Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Don’t think twice it’s alright.

Summer’s fucked, I don’t think autumn even gets a look in anymore. There seems to be a defining week in which leafs fall off trees nights draw in and everything becomes a little bit more dark, depressing and shit. As I sit in my room, with my heating on which is slightly too hot (but the off position makes it too cold) I stare out of my window to the M6, which is currently pulsating with light. This depresses me. Not the fact that I have a concrete behemoth outside my window, no, the mere fact that it’s nearly 9pm and that road is still full of people. People are trying to go home.

One day they’ll be a time where I don’t cite my literary references from songs but for now - “why wait any longer for the one you love?” It’s a terribly bohemian and utterly unfeasible and unworkable ideal but really if there’s someone out there you love and you want to see them but, you know, you’re doing this or that, fuck this and that and go and jump on them. I sorely wish I could take my own advice.

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