For those not in the know a normal human knee looks like this (below) you can see the Patella or knee cap to those without medical degrees firmly placed in the centre of the knee, mine however is somewhere near Mexico. In the NHS's rapid haste, with 3 years of umming and arring over if they could possibly do me on the cheap, involving loo roll and sticky back plastic with an ounce of good will have finally told me what I've been telling them since I was 16, it's buggered. So come January sometime they shall cut me open, and rebuild my interior cruciate ligament (also below) out of some ligament left over from behind my kneecap. They'll also be trimming off my cartlilage because that's ruptured too. I assure you this is indeed a great thing, and should have me in crutches for one week maybe two, and back to full fitness within 5 months or so, by full fitness I mean playing sport well. I'll be basically fine in about 2 weeks. Enjoy the HUGE picture! (which you might have to click on for it to work proper)

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