Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 11

Well it's the eleventh day of advent, and as with the traditional form of advent this is where it's written in the bible, that there shall be "bestowed a mega mix to enlighten the soul". I'm not one to mess with God, so I'm going for a Maximo mega-mix, pretty much because it's too hard to narrow them down to one song.

OK, number one. Graffiti - It was the first song that got me into them, I remember seeing Maximo in the Academy 2 not knowing any songs but this and Apply Some Pressure and it still ranks of one of my favourite gigs ever (helps that The Blood Arm and Research supported). And hearing this song just makes me go mental. I take special pleasure in saying "THAT'S ENOUGH" in the best accent I can muster.

Second on the list would have to be Apply Some Pressure, purely for the hand signs possible during the dance, it's practically a work out. Push your hands out for apply, bring them back for lose. Plus it's just awesome, seriously, I could have a decent night out if I went to a club and they just played the 3 albums back to back.

And then of course, Our Velocity...it's the swirling guitars, it's the sing along nature, it's the "Speeeeeeeeeeed" it's the synth, it's the bridge, it's the everything. Wowtastic.

And Finally.... A Fortnight's Time. I love this song, because hearing it on the album it passed me by, but when you hear it live, like so many Maximo songs they just take off, and being in a crowd shouting "5 x 5 = 25" is amazing, and quite nerdy. It became out shout at Leeds festival, can't beat it.

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