Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Latitude (In Pictures)

A word account will follow as soon as I can remember how it all happened.

I suggest watching this -

slideshow of events




Anonymous said...

they were great 100 percent marshall!
I loved seeing them!
I even spotted some old people in there so perhaps it's not too late for me to go to my first festival, Mark is always suggesting Glastonbury avec the kids but I'm not so sure, he's been before and he's completely at home 'roughing' it but I'm a bit more girly and like my home comforts too much.
were those sheep really dyed?
take care BCB
luv gg

Anonymous said...

oooh, I loved the Emo Oil one, we used Emo oil on the sites at work! it made me chuckle!
I loved the big tree one too. And that one of you in the white sunnies! Very chic!