Sunday, December 30, 2007

Guitar Hero.

It's epic.

Goodbye degree, hellooooooooo sore fingers.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Oh my gollorz

I know I said I wouldn't post on Christmas...but...

I has an Optimus Prime T Shirt!



Monday, December 24, 2007

Alternate Advent - IT'S CHRISTMAS!

Or at least it shall be very soon, I'm not posting on Christmas itself, I'm not that much of a sadcase.

Of course, there can only be one Christmas song for anyone from the Midlands, and that's Slade. They're boys from the black country and we love em' Noddy is from Wolvo, and we're more proud of him than Robert Plant. Seriously. This song isn't classy, it isn't compelling. It's not about the subtlty of emotion it's about getting up and dancing in your living room and spending time with the people you love. Which I hope you're all doing.

It's Christmas, I 'ope yaw 'av a gudun ar kidda.

Alternate Advent Day 24

Christmas Eve song, and therefore runner up to the greatest Christmas song ever is......

The Pogues - Fairytale Of New York

A million people just got sad as it's the populous opinion that it's the best Christmas tune ever, but not for me chief.

The winner shalt be shown tomorrow!

It's so exciting!


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 23

Mike Oldfield - In Dulci Jubilo

Makes me feel like I felt about Christmas when I was 6, jumping around the lounge unable to sleep at night full on excitement.

Two days left...there are only two contenders left for the Christmas Day alternate Advent title...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

London Baby!

We went to go see Patrick Wolf, he was wonderous. We saw wonderous museums and I took pictures, here they be.







Alternate Advent Days 20, 21 and 22.

I've been in London seeing Patrick Wolf, forgive the gap in days.

Day 20 - The Darkness - Christmas Time (Don't Let The Bells End)

It's naughty, it's probably the only decent christmas song of recent memory.

Day 21 - Jona Lewie - Stop the Cavalry

Utterly awesome, if depressing when you listen to the words. Just go "dudda dudda dom dom dudda dudda dom dudda dom dom dudda dom dudda dudda dom" instead yeah?

Day 22 - Wizzard - I Wish it Could Be Christmas Everyday

Just a proper christmas song, the kind you can pogo to. Wonderous.

It's nearly christmas innnnnnat?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 19

Shakin' Stevens - Merry Christmas Everyone

Huzzah, it's a proper dancer, bop bop it's less than a week till Christmas!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Alternate Advent Days 17 and 18

Excuse my absence, much needed catching up.

Day 17 - Patrick Wolf - Teignmouth

Well this has been picked slightly because I'm going to see him on Thursday in London, slightly because my family comes from Teignmouth (I've never been but imagine this is what it's like) and slightly because it's beautiful, as of "so when the birds fly south, I reach up and hold their tails" it lifts you up totally.

And secondly....drum roll...the start of the christmas songs! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I'll start off with Lennon, cause apparently, War is over if you want it...flawed arguement, but nice all the same.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 16

Anthony And The Johnsons - Hope There's Someone

He's just lovel, and just has a wonderful voice.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 15

The Rolling Stones were like a sexy Beatles.

Nice songs though.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 14

Impossible for anything to get you down, even men in suits shaking their money jar.

Dance like you're smiling.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

If anyone's got £600 pounds going spare...

I'd quite like a Tenori-on for Christmas.

Alernate Advent Day 13

Morrissey - Now My Heart Is Full

My love of the man is well documented.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Where flowers grew and the sun shone still.

So I’m coming to the end of my first term of University and I’ll be going home tomorrow for a few weeks, or maybe a few weeks and a bit depending on when my knee operation comes through and all that so yes, let’s do a retrospective of the last four months.

Firstly, it feels a lot longer than four months; it feels like I’ve been doing this all along. By that I mean living alone and looking after myself, cooking, cleaning and buying my own things for my own needs. It’s quite a freeing experience. I had an element of freedom when I had my job last year, money will always do that, it opens up all sorts of doors. But I’d always come home and my dinner would always be on the table for me and my bed would usually be made. I became lazy and self satisfied with the situation.

When I moved to university in September I was cripplingly home sick, I missed everything about home so much it made me all weepy and things out of my eyes for the first few nights. I think it didn’t help that the week before I’d just come back off holiday with Nathalie, so I’d moved to new place, essentially left home and left Nathalie all in one go. For the entirety of Fresher’s week I walked around in a drunken haze because that was easier than letting my mind rest on anything, I went to everything offered and did anything I could so as not to be on my own in my little room with no internet or television.

Some things improved my situation greatly. Firstly I put up my wall collage of posters and things, made it feel less like I were in prison, secondly I got the internet and then a tv, so interaction with the outside world was found. And I also set about making friends, or at least acquaintances. I get on with my flat mates and that’s a start, through shared love of anything remotely to do with Football with Jo and Oli to the point where we’ve gone to the pub solely to watch the Cardiff Vs Coventry game. But I think I’ve made one proper friend so far, which is amazing for me. Met through wonderfully silly circumstances of queuing to get into the Fresher’s Karaoke night with my flat mates, they all deciding they didn’t want to go anymore, me joining them and only getting 50 foot before realising...hmm lets widen my friends options. Even then it took the kindly group of people in the queue next to me to make conversation. I find this skill inherently difficult with people I don’t adformentionally know, I don’t know what to say, worried that what I will say will make me either sound stupid or pretentious. Cause well...the things I like aren’t in the normal channels...I like other things, but not as much as I like my little niche bands and films, so whenever I talk about other things I just sound un-interested and bored, so people think...hmm weirdo. But if I were to talk about the things I like the high percentage of people would then think...hmm bit up himself. Luckily I found someone who understood who the Decemberists were and even liked them more than me, a striking situation to be in ten minutes into a conversation.

So yes, and from then a friendship was born, I don’t count friendships lightly, unlike some, not everyone you meet on the way to the shops can be counted as a friend in my book, and I’m totally amazed I’ve managed to gain one in the first term of university, and with any luck we should all be living together next year, long as there’s room, if not I’ll weep.

And then we have my course, which has been patchy if I’m being honest so far, but will indefinably pick up come January. Currently I’m stuck doing little ‘tasters’ of all the wonderful things English has to offer, only I don’t care, I want to do English Literature, so as of January that’s what I’ll be doing, no more Language, Drama and Cultures of the Everyday for me, oh no oh my no oh no. Seeing as the last one was practically social studies. Ãœber weak. But hurrah, soon I shall be running around the pages of great Victorian novels and post war fiction, I really can’t wait.

And that’s not without even mentioning Christmas, that’s the beauty of finishing so early, it’s practically Christmas as of this weekend, last year while working I remember it wasn’t Christmas till Christmas eve, and then it was over by the day after boxing day, this year I’m totally regressing and have less money for presents but are seemingly on course to be spending more than ever, but there we go, I’m silly and I love wrapping things up, and this year I seem to have a lot of things to be wrapping up, I’d make a great elf for father Christmas, no doubt no diggity.

Alright then kids, I’m happy, hopefully you’re happy and I’ll be seeing you soon. If you’re not happy and in a relationship watch love actually, if you’re not in a relationship don’t watch that you’ll want to end it all and cry into your pillow asking why you’re not as happy as those happy bastards in snowy London, a snowy London being an even more unlikely prospect than Hugh Grant really being Prime Minister. To you I’d suggest It’s A Wonderful Life, it’s long but it’s blooming great and a proper happy film...well it warms up to it anyway, like all the best happy films.

I’m currently listening to Nick Drake, it’s a shame he died completely unknown, he was wonderful.

Have a listen,

Nick Drake - Fly

Goodnight kisses.

Alternate Advent Day 12

Arcade Fire -Rebellion (lies)

This song literally changed the way I thought about music, and even now it still lifts me. It's a glorious song,

Utterly beautiful.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 11

Well it's the eleventh day of advent, and as with the traditional form of advent this is where it's written in the bible, that there shall be "bestowed a mega mix to enlighten the soul". I'm not one to mess with God, so I'm going for a Maximo mega-mix, pretty much because it's too hard to narrow them down to one song.

OK, number one. Graffiti - It was the first song that got me into them, I remember seeing Maximo in the Academy 2 not knowing any songs but this and Apply Some Pressure and it still ranks of one of my favourite gigs ever (helps that The Blood Arm and Research supported). And hearing this song just makes me go mental. I take special pleasure in saying "THAT'S ENOUGH" in the best accent I can muster.

Second on the list would have to be Apply Some Pressure, purely for the hand signs possible during the dance, it's practically a work out. Push your hands out for apply, bring them back for lose. Plus it's just awesome, seriously, I could have a decent night out if I went to a club and they just played the 3 albums back to back.

And then of course, Our's the swirling guitars, it's the sing along nature, it's the "Speeeeeeeeeeed" it's the synth, it's the bridge, it's the everything. Wowtastic.

And Finally.... A Fortnight's Time. I love this song, because hearing it on the album it passed me by, but when you hear it live, like so many Maximo songs they just take off, and being in a crowd shouting "5 x 5 = 25" is amazing, and quite nerdy. It became out shout at Leeds festival, can't beat it.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 10

The Beatles - Let It Be

An utterly beautiful song, one that Lennon didn't really like but Paul did, so much so that he had to beg to get it included on the album, which eventually became called Let It Be also, Lennon made up for the song by having one about a prostitute right after, he thought it was too religious. Mother Mary and all that, but Paul's mother was a Mary and had only recently died. So Paul won, and it remains a beautiful song, Harrisson's guitar work in the mid section is gutsy and Paul's venture into the organ pays off, with Ringo displaying subtlety on the drums he's not always given credit for, his fills are fantastic. Lennon provides bass on a de-tuned 6 string, and is notably distant throughout the performance, with the ghostly specter of Yoko leering over his shoulder.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 9

It'll get played at my funeral, it's that simple. I could live in this song for a lifetime, which is a bit of a contradiction. Simply put, gorgeous.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Alternate Advent Days 7 & 8

Well I shan't be here on saturday, so days 7 & 8 in a little group!

Firstly, Billy Ocean - Love Really Hurts Without You

Get your groove on.

And secondly, The Smiths - This Charming Man

This song and band really need no more words spoken about it by me!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 6

Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love?

Cause it's just awesome.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 5

Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi!

She's constantly challenging the way we perceive music.

Also, Lavigne fact of the day - 'Girlfriend' was recorded in 7 different languages and has been number one in 17 different countries.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Alternate Advent Day 4!

Nightmare of You - My Name Is Trouble

One of the best bands I've ever had the fortune to stalk across 4 different venues.

Musical Advent Calendar Day 3

Ignore the fact that there haven't been a day one and two, for that reason I'll post three songs.

As I'm not eating chocolate, I'll provide a Christmas countdown with some songs which I adore, they'll gradually become christmassy I'm sure.

Song one.

The Beach Boys - God Only Knows

Simply lovely, and makes me feel nice even when I'm far away, I only got into it because of Love Actually (you wouldn't hear Pitchforkmedia say that) but I've since discovered that the rest of Pet Sounds is ace times.

Song Two

John Lennon - Jealous Guy

Because I am I guess. I'm stupidly jealous. And sometimes I have to listen to this to make myself be a normal rational person again.

Song Three

Regina Specktor - Samson

Because the first time it made me cry.

Trying to organise people my age to meet up

In one place at one time it probably the most challenging thing I've done so far at university.

So basically we've got to perform a 15 minute long drama piece that non of us know our lines for, or have ever done a run through of. One of our people can't do today, another can't do tomorrow, so looks like we're doing our first real practice on Thursday the day before we're doing it for real?


Monday, December 3, 2007

I have lost...

Three stone in three months...well it'll be three months in 2 weeks time.

I don't think I've got AIDS.

But yeah, I've done what the surgeon asked, so I am special.

My secret is not eating food, and when you do eat food, eat salad or bananas?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Zooey Deschanel

Just watching Elf, and she looks pretty, so I went on her fansite thingy and looked at the most recently added pictures and I'm sad because she's so so thin now.

Well depresssing.

I'm back at uni and home was amazing, I can't wait till christmas. Really. I'm just tired of waking up no where near Nathalie.